2014-05-13 22:59:54 UTC
The 99T finally coughed up it's turbo guts after perhaps a few too many sprightly spring workouts on 128 South weekend before last. Son Sean came home from school last week and said "Dad, I'm concerned...about the car...". Saabrina had been puffing out whisps of blue smoke on cold mornings when gaskets are at their loosest - but at temp never burned oil and was "limping" along like this for the last 3 years. Plugs didn't seem to be fouling, engine ran strong and mileage was as expected on new injectors.
Some time ago I was approached off list by a member of the "swedish part mafia" as it's known - whokindly and thoughtfully offered me a factory rebuilt Saab 99 turbo rumored to be from the GM parts stash - for a very fair price. I didn't have to be asked twice. I squirreled it away dreading the day I would need it - now it seems that chicken has come home to roost.
So...follow the link to the group pictures gallery and of the last of it's kind as looking as new as it ever will in my driveway this morning, in the midst of being transplanted. Road test report to follow soon - and one small silver lining - at last I'll finally know what a new turbo does to this farm tractor engine fitted w/ a 5 speed 900 transmission :-)
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Some time ago I was approached off list by a member of the "swedish part mafia" as it's known - whokindly and thoughtfully offered me a factory rebuilt Saab 99 turbo rumored to be from the GM parts stash - for a very fair price. I didn't have to be asked twice. I squirreled it away dreading the day I would need it - now it seems that chicken has come home to roost.
So...follow the link to the group pictures gallery and of the last of it's kind as looking as new as it ever will in my driveway this morning, in the midst of being transplanted. Road test report to follow soon - and one small silver lining - at last I'll finally know what a new turbo does to this farm tractor engine fitted w/ a 5 speed 900 transmission :-)
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