Best way to test windshield wiper motor on 67 V4 [1 Attachment]
Gary Piland gp-5zO2nuI/Xm7nM7ae4j9eblaTQe2KTcn/@public.gmane.org [vSAAB]
2014-06-10 16:57:22 UTC
Windshield wipers froze on my ’67 V4 so I’m looking for a good way to test the motor. Anyone got a how to (for an idiot)?


Best regards,
Gary Piland

6316 SW Bayshore Drive
Auburn, KS 66402

'67 Saab 96 V4
'68 Saab 96 V4 Deluxe (barn find!)

Ewing oldsaabguy-Wuw85uim5zDR7s880joybQ@public.gmane.org [vSAAB]
2014-06-10 16:59:36 UTC
Is this the Lucas type or the little box type? either way just pop the linkage off the motor and hit the button. If that doesn't work, hot wire it. Frequently, the linkage gets loose and locks the wipers up OR it pops off the wiper motor. Look under the dash and confirm that they are hooked up to the wiper motor first.

Post by Gary Piland gp-5zO2nuI/Xm7nM7ae4j9eblaTQe2KTcn/@public.gmane.org [vSAAB]
Windshield wipers froze on my ’67 V4 so I’m looking for a good way to test the motor. Anyone got a how to (for an idiot)?
Best regards,
Gary Piland
6316 SW Bayshore Drive
Auburn, KS 66402
'67 Saab 96 V4
'68 Saab 96 V4 Deluxe (barn find!)
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Gary Piland gp-5zO2nuI/Xm7nM7ae4j9eblaTQe2KTcn/@public.gmane.org [vSAAB]
2014-06-10 17:03:15 UTC

It’s the earlier style and it’s definitely not the linkage, the motor just stopped working.

I’ve removed the motor now, so I can get to it easily. I’m not sure quite how to test it, do I just run battery power to the plugin? Remember, I’m an idiot. ;-)

Best regards,
Gary Piland
Post by Ewing oldsaabguy-***@public.gmane.org [vSAAB]
Is this the Lucas type or the little box type? either way just pop the linkage off the motor and hit the button. If that doesn't work, hot wire it. Frequently, the linkage gets loose and locks the wipers up OR it pops off the wiper motor. Look under the dash and confirm that they are hooked up to the wiper motor first.
Post by Gary Piland gp-5zO2nuI/Xm7nM7ae4j9eblaTQe2KTcn/@public.gmane.org [vSAAB]
Windshield wipers froze on my ’67 V4 so I’m looking for a good way to test the motor. Anyone got a how to (for an idiot)?
Best regards,
Gary Piland
6316 SW Bayshore Drive
Auburn, KS 66402
'67 Saab 96 V4
'68 Saab 96 V4 Deluxe (barn find!)
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Ewing oldsaabguy-Wuw85uim5zDR7s880joybQ@public.gmane.org [vSAAB]
2014-06-10 19:39:03 UTC
You will need one ground wire and one 12V "hot" wire. IIRC those units were mounted on grommets and they have a separate ground wire built into the harness, usually black. And two speed with a park function so two or three more wires.

First, make sure that you are getting good voltage to the unit, turn wipers to on and verify 12v to at least one wire. Turn to high (Don't honestly recall how many settings they have) and verify voltage to another wire *OR* there may be a resister built into the switch so one wire only gets 7V until on high setting then 12v. Not too critical at this point. IF you are getting 12v to those wired then check out the motor. Connect a ground wire to it and then 12v to the hot wire (determined earlier by testing above). If it doesn't go then it may be gunned up brushes/bearings/bushings. If it smokes then more likely bad windings/trashed.

Post by Gary Piland gp-5zO2nuI/Xm7nM7ae4j9eblaTQe2KTcn/@public.gmane.org [vSAAB]
It’s the earlier style and it’s definitely not the linkage, the motor just stopped working.
I’ve removed the motor now, so I can get to it easily. I’m not sure quite how to test it, do I just run battery power to the plugin? Remember, I’m an idiot. ;-)
Best regards,
Gary Piland
Post by Ewing oldsaabguy-***@public.gmane.org [vSAAB]
Is this the Lucas type or the little box type? either way just pop the linkage off the motor and hit the button. If that doesn't work, hot wire it. Frequently, the linkage gets loose and locks the wipers up OR it pops off the wiper motor. Look under the dash and confirm that they are hooked up to the wiper motor first.
Post by Gary Piland gp-5zO2nuI/Xm7nM7ae4j9eblaTQe2KTcn/@public.gmane.org [vSAAB]
Windshield wipers froze on my ’67 V4 so I’m looking for a good way to test the motor. Anyone got a how to (for an idiot)?
Best regards,
Gary Piland
6316 SW Bayshore Drive
Auburn, KS 66402
'67 Saab 96 V4
'68 Saab 96 V4 Deluxe (barn find!)
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