'65 Monte Carlo for sale (2 stroke)
jimpascale-Wuw85uim5zDR7s880joybQ@public.gmane.org [vSAAB]
2014-05-16 12:32:10 UTC
Hello Gentlemen,
I have decided it's time to sell my '65 Monte Carlo. I have $16K invested & I am willing to take the highest bid.
The car came to me from Charly Reiter out of Texas. It has a 2 stroke engine just rebuilt by Vernon Atterbury, with oversized Dave Baugher pistons and Stage 2 porting.
Below I'll post a link to some photos.
Personally, I have been very disappointed with this car. It's way to loud for me and doesn't handle well on the road. The car is currently at Chuck Christ's in eastern Pa. Chuck says its a race car and will never handle well on the road.
We removed the expansion chamber & have a new 2 pipe Monte exhaust system to install in its place, in an attempt to quiet it down.
The engine is currently out of the car, as Chuck is detailing the engine compartment.
The car is painted "Glacier Blue" and the interior is brown & not original.
Rust has been removed from the floors, they have been treated and then covered with dynamat & sound deadening material. The wood wheel has been restored by Don L. but has not been re-installed yet.
The door cards are currently out of the car, while I decided whether to redo the entire interior in blue or just freshen up the interior.
Some of you may know there are a couple of Swedes in town this weekend to attend the Saab show in Carlisle. They have offered me $8000 for the car "as is". I'm ready to accept their offer but I thought I should post a "for sale" here to see if there is any interest, since any way I can reduce my loss would be appreciated.
Let me know, or the car is going back to the motherland, which would not be a bad thing.
Here's a link to photos:
Web Site of Jim Pascale - 1965 Saab Monte Carlo http://home.comcast.net/~jimpascale/site/?/page/1965_Saab_Monte_Carlo/


Web Site of Jim Pascale - 1965 Saab Monte Carlo http://home.comcast.net/~jimpascale/site/?/page/1965_Saab_Monte_Carlo/ Web Site of Jim Pascale personal web space Home Blog Photos Events Contact 1956 Saab 92B My Saab 92B 1965 Saab Monte Carlo 1965 Saab Monte Carlo ...

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(609) 577-4785
Bill Trench btren-p32f3XyCuykqcZcGjlUOXw@public.gmane.org [vSAAB]
2014-05-16 14:30:32 UTC
Although I am not in the market for a car such as yours, Jim, I am
curious about what it is that you don't like about the handling. My '63
96 is intentionally close to stock and , to me, it handles like a dream.
Very nimble. Aside from the power, what's so different in the Monte that
makes it worse ? The loud part I get and I am at the point in my life
where I can do without all the noise. On my '68 95, I am actually
planning on dropping the MSS exhaust and going back to the stock system .

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mike6396-Wuw85uim5zDR7s880joybQ@public.gmane.org [vSAAB]
2014-05-16 14:37:39 UTC
I'm with you Bill. One of the reasons I enjoy long trips in my 63 96 is the fact that it is sooo quiet.
Mike St.Pierre

----- Original Message -----

From: "vSAAB" <vSAAB-***@public.gmane.org>
To: "vSAAB" <vSAAB-***@public.gmane.org>
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2014 10:30:32 AM
Subject: Re: [vSAAB] '65 Monte Carlo for sale (2 stroke)


Although I am not in the market for a car such as yours, Jim, I am
curious about what it is that you don't like about the handling. My '63
96 is intentionally close to stock and , to me, it handles like a dream.
Very nimble. Aside from the power, what's so different in the Monte that
makes it worse ? The loud part I get and I am at the point in my life
where I can do without all the noise. On my '68 95, I am actually
planning on dropping the MSS exhaust and going back to the stock system .

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jimpascale-Wuw85uim5zDR7s880joybQ@public.gmane.org [vSAAB]
2014-05-16 21:12:16 UTC
Well, Bill, I really didn't want to get into all that, but, since you asked, & I'm retired with lots of spare time, I'll tell you. :) Everyone else, feel free to move on - you may find this very boring stuff. :)

First, I'm not leaving the brotherhood - I still have a really nice, totally original 92B which I kind of smuggled out of Sweden (that's a story for another time). So, whether you like it or not, you're still gonna be stuck with me around here. :)

I loved my 92B so much that I just had to have another 2 stroke, only with more power. Sometimes 28hp is just not enough! :) So a little over a year ago I placed a "wanted" ad on this very NG for a Monte, &, much to my great delight, I received a response from old Charlie Reiter out of Texas. Unfortunately, poor Charly is sick & told me he needed to reduce his inventory. Given Charly's physical state, and fueled by my unfettered enthusiasm, I did not ask the pertinent questions & simply wrote Charly a check.......Have any of you ever done that before? Come on, admit it. After this experience I would recommend that before you buy any classic car that you definitely see it in person & have a PPI done (pre-purchase inspection), if you're not capable of doing it yourself.

Well, to try & keep this story as short as possible, Vernon Atterbury rebuilt the engine for Charly (in actuality the car was previously owned & restored by Vernon before he sold it to Charly) to what I have been made to understand are "Stage 2" standards, which if I understand it correctly, involves a lot of porting. The exhaust system also has an expansion chamber, instead of a front muffler, for extra power. The end result; a very loud vehicle which may handle well on a race track but is a real dog to drive in day-to-day traffic! That's problem #1.

The exterior. The car is a correct '65 color, "Glacier Blue" (hooray!). But it must have been out in the hot Texas sun for some extended period of time, since the paint will need some attention. No big deal here.

Problem #2. The interior. The interior is 2 tone beige. Unfortunately, "Glacier Blue"-painted cars only came with 2-tone blue interiors. So a previous owner (Vernon?) must have picked up the brown interior & put it in this car. So, to do it right, I'd have to rip out the entire interior and start all over.....

Which leads me to my "for sale" post this morning. If you are in the northeast you may know the "Swedes" are back in town. That's right, Fredrik & Jonas, from Sweden, are here right now looking for classic Saab cars & parts, to take back to Sweden. And they will be attending Import car this weekend in Carlisle. They visited my Saab God, the "Mr. Saab" of the US, the one and only, Chuck Christ, & saw my car there. I know Fredrik & Jonas from previous dealings and they were aware of my unhappiness with the car. Fredrik offered to take it off my hands & back to the motherland for $8K. Knowing all the work that lies ahead, and knowing I already have close to $16K already invested and with much more work to be done, and remembering that a flawless white Monte sold on eBay about a year ago for around $20K, I started thinking it might be better to bail out now, & stop the bleeding.
Thus, my for sale ad this morning.

Anyone want to offer more? :)

Can I finish this restoration w/o losing my shirt i.e. being able to sell the finished product for what I will ultimately have to spend to get the work done right? I don't know. The engine troubles me the most. I don't know if even with the very able assistance of the mighty Chuck Christ at my side if we'll ever get the car to be "daily driver" friendly.

Thoughts and suggestions warmly accepted......
Bill Trench btren-p32f3XyCuykqcZcGjlUOXw@public.gmane.org [vSAAB]
2014-05-16 22:12:32 UTC
OK, I get it.. I once obtained an 850 block to have it bored for over
sized pistons. Unfortunately it wasn't until I got it back that I
noticed that someone had taken the porting way off the charts. Totally
worthless as a daily driver. I magine that the normal 850 GT motor in
that car would be quite nice.
As I recall , that $20K Monte did not have it's original body.

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jimpascale-Wuw85uim5zDR7s880joybQ@public.gmane.org [vSAAB]
2014-05-16 22:20:05 UTC
And the shame is Bill I approached Vernon about swapping out my heavily ported engine for a "regular" Monte engine to correct the problem & you know what his response was; "I don't have any Monte engines that are not ported. They are all ported". Well, that's just an unacceptable reply. The reality is he doesn't want to accept back an over-ported engine that he over-ported & make good with a good Monte engine. So much for substance behind that good-old country boy Arkansas charm.... :)
'sonettv4-/E1597aS9LQAvxtiuMwx3w@public.gmane.org' sonettv4-/E1597aS9LQAvxtiuMwx3w@public.gmane.org [vSAAB]
2014-05-16 22:31:35 UTC
I think the monte is worth more than 8k.  I would trade the engine out and not sell it,  at the very least, get a std engine and put in it and you would be fine...maybe an injected 66 or 67 engine.  I could find you one for I know all too well about that southern charm too.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

'Phil Lacefield Jr.' phil-LCrXqBkB8xb2eFz/2MeuCQ@public.gmane.org [vSAAB]
2014-05-16 14:37:08 UTC
Sad to see you leave the brotherhood of '66 MC850 owners, Jim. I'm almost
in Carlisle myself, if I had the money I'd buy it and drive it back to
Washington myself!

Good luck - Phil
Post by jimpascale-***@public.gmane.org [vSAAB]
Hello Gentlemen,
I have decided it's time to sell my '65 Monte Carlo. I have $16K invested
& I am willing to take the highest bid.
The car came to me from Charly Reiter out of Texas. It has a 2 stroke
engine just rebuilt by Vernon Atterbury, with oversized Dave Baugher
pistons and Stage 2 porting.
Below I'll post a link to some photos.
Personally, I have been very disappointed with this car. It's way to loud
for me and doesn't handle well on the road. The car is currently at Chuck
Christ's in eastern Pa. Chuck says its a race car and will never handle
well on the road.
We removed the expansion chamber & have a new 2 pipe Monte exhaust system
to install in its place, in an attempt to quiet it down.
The engine is currently out of the car, as Chuck is detailing the engine compartment.
The car is painted "Glacier Blue" and the interior is brown & not original.
Rust has been removed from the floors, they have been treated and then
covered with dynamat & sound deadening material. The wood wheel has been
restored by Don L. but has not been re-installed yet.
The door cards are currently out of the car, while I decided whether to
redo the entire interior in blue or just freshen up the interior.
Some of you may know there are a couple of Swedes in town this weekend to
attend the Saab show in Carlisle. They have offered me $8000 for the car
"as is". I'm ready to accept their offer but I thought I should post a "for
sale" here to see if there is any interest, since any way I can reduce my
loss would be appreciated.
Let me know, or the car is going back to the motherland, which would not be a bad thing.
Web Site of Jim Pascale - 1965 Saab Monte Carlo<http://home.comcast.net/~jimpascale/site/?/page/1965_Saab_Monte_Carlo/>
[image: image]
Web Site of Jim Pascale - 1965 Saab Monte Carlo
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1956 Saab 92B My Saab 92B 1965 Saab Monte Carlo 1965 Saab Monte Carlo ...
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(609) 577-4785