Rear Spring Top Seat [1 Attachment]
haroldshettles-/E1597aS9LQAvxtiuMwx3w@public.gmane.org [vSAAB]
2014-06-26 13:21:47 UTC
In the attached photo are two of the rear spring upper insulator seats used in the 95, 96 and Sonetts. They are photographed upside down. The left seat is the earlier one with a larger center hole. The right seat is the later one, with a smaller, raised hole, and has its washer shown below. The machined side of the washer fits into the hole of the seat preventing sloppy movement of the spring seat bolt on the body of the car.
Does anyone have a pair of the washers for the earlier spring seat? Normally when you look through a collection of old nasty seats they are rusted to the seat and can be popped off with a screwdriver.
Thanks, Harry S.
