[rmsaab] Fwd: Your Column in Hemmings S&EC/Satch Carlson
Ray Kopczynski GWRepRay-YDxpq3io04c@public.gmane.org [vSAAB]
2014-06-23 17:07:52 UTC
As would Vintage Views...!  :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Russell GregERussell-***@public.gmane.org [rmsaab] <rmsaab-***@yahoogroups.com>
To: Tom Nelson <tom10-+mvbHnN81+***@public.gmane.org>
Cc: RMSC EMail <rmsaab-***@public.gmane.org>; VSAAB List - Unmoderated <vSAAB-***@public.gmane.org>
Sent: Mon, Jun 23, 2014 9:54 am
Subject: Re: [rmsaab] Fwd: Your Column in Hemmings S&EC/Satch Carlson


I'm sure HSEC would be interested in a "Restoration Profile" article on a '61 bull nose, especially with the grandsons involved.

- Greg

On Jun 23, 2014, at 9:49 AM, Tom Nelson tom10-+mvbHnN81+***@public.gmane.org [rmsaab] wrote:
FYI ...... here's a message I sent to Satch after reading his great column in Hemmings Sport & Exotic Car magazine......

Tom, aka ElkMtnMan

Begin forwarded message:
From: Tom Nelson <tom10-+mvbHnN81+***@public.gmane.org>

Subject: Your Column in Hemmings S&EC

Date: June 23, 2014 9:21:01 AM MDT

To: Satch Carlson < ;satch-***@public.gmane.org>

Cc: Avis Nelson <avis-+mvbHnN81+***@public.gmane.org>

Way ahead of you Satch.. ;-) ...... I just really enjoyed your August 2014 column and couldn't agree more.

But my wife and I decided that our 2 grandsons not only needed to learn to drive in a vintage Saab, but they should get the experience of restoring/refurbing the car BEFORE they were allowed to drive it........... so we bought them a red 1961 Saab 96 bullnose, of course.. with 2-stroke engine, of course.  That was 3 years ago when they we re 7 and 10 years old...... The car is nearing ready for paint and engine installation this summer.

Ethan 13 and Myles 10 will come to Colorado, from Seattle, to work on the car in 2 weeks.

I will tell the whole story of their red bullnose, Project RedBull, at the SOC14 in Bend, OR this coming August at a Tech Session. Hope you will be there too. 
We first met, BTW, when you spoke at SOC96 in Kirkwood, CA.

Tom Nelson
353 Ruby Forest Trail
Evergreen, CO 80439
(720) 666-4989

Tom, aka ElkMtnMan
